Better Transport Inclusivity for all Passengers (Better Trip) Project
Bonnie Das Neves, Better Transport Inclusivity for all Passengers (Better Trip) Project
Winner – Federation University VYT local programme (2023)
Better Trip Transcript with Video description
Preliminary (static) slide:
Black, grey and blue background, headshot image with white background of woman in green with brown hair smiling. White text on slide reads: ‘Bonnie Watt, Better Transport Inclusivity for all Passengers (Better Trip) Project; Phd Year 2; Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Federation University; 0000-0001-8642-9681 (next to green icon of ORCID); @bettertripproject; © Bonnie Das Neves 2023. Three logos, ‘Visualise your thesis’ (written in white on black diamond, to right of centre); ‘Federation University’ (in white on navy rectangle next to flag); and the text ‘powered by’ in white next to the University of Melbourne logo (blue vertical rectangle, with university name written in white under a crest).
Audio: Imagine you’re catching the bus. A person with disability is more likely to be driven past,
Images: Yellow background, silhouetted is a black line representing group, with black bus stop icon, then four people appear standing by the bus stop (wheelchair user icon, mother and child icon, person with cane icon). A white bus icon drives past from left to right.
Audio: denied access due to their supports,
Images: Blue background, icon of a guide dog and a person propelling a wheelchair. A red ‘x’ appears covering each icon.
Audio: or rudely addressed by bus drivers
Images: Red background, 6 speech bubbles, altenating 3 black and 3 white, with a mixture of signs in them ($#@!) appear.
Audio: Resulting in transport anxiety, injuries and social isolation.
Images: Yellow background, silhouetted is a black line representing group, with black bus stop icon, then four people appear standing by the bus stop (wheelchair user icon, mother and child icon, person with cane icon). Three red lightening strikes appear on spoken word ‘anxiety’, person icons turn red on ‘injuries’, and background turns black, and person icons shrink to about a cm height on ‘social isolation’.
Audio: We need better transport inclusivity for all passengers. So we created the Better Trip Project.
Images: Yellow background, black bus stop, with the large bold black words ‘Better Transport Inclusivity for all Passengers’. All is underlined. The first letter of Better, Transport Inclusivity and Passengers turns white, other letters disappear, then all letters replaced with Better Trip (white) Project (black).
Audio: Our aim is to improve the attitudes, behaviour and communication
Images: Black background, with a green, yellow and red circle running left to right. Under each circle is a white word appearing as it is said: attitudes; behaviour; communication.
Audio: of bus drivers with passengers with disability through an educational training program for drivers, led by lived experience.
Images: Yellow background, bus (black) with bus driver in front appears on left hand side facing to the right next to bus stop, passengers appear on the right hand side waiting at bus stop, then background changes to blue and the bus driver is sitting at a desk, and three speech bubbles appear above the heads of the passenger icons.
Audio: It’s the first study trialling educating bus drivers on disability inclusion.
Images: Black background. A yellow, red, and blue vertical rectangles appear in the centre of the bottom of the video, with the centre (red) elevated and the other about two thirds lower in height. A training icon (person pointing to screen with people watching) appears above red, a bus icon above yellow, and a wheelchair user icon above blue, and when ‘inclusion’ is spoken, the yellow and blue rectangles extend to the height of the red one, and all three icons are the same height.
Audio: Using surveys and focus groups, with bus drivers and passengers with disability, we heard what both communities need to feel and be safe on the bus
Images: Yellow background, large black clipboard with a white tick appears on left for ‘surveys’, then black circle surrounded (and connected to) another 5 circles, each with a person icon in them, appears on the right for ‘focus groups’. Then a red background appears and a black bus icon on ‘bus drivers’ and wheelchair user icon and blue background for the right half of the screen appear on ‘passengers with disability. The whole background then turns blue, and an open hand facing upwards (black) appears, and above it three icons appear; a white heart, and black sand timer, and a guide dog (red).
Audio: Researchers, bus drivers and advocates with disability are together designing the training program and will then pilot that program.
Images: Screen divided lengthways in thirds, top yellow, middle red, bottom blue. On ‘research’ (black) book icon appears on yellow, on ‘bus drivers’ bus icon appears on red, on ‘advocates with disability’ wheelchair user icon appears on blue. Screen then turns black, and a white training icon (person pointing to board) with yellow, red and blue stripes on the board appear, then on ‘pilot’, black background only appears and a white bus icon drives from left to right, trailing a red, yellow and blue line behind it.
Audio: Through informing bus drivers, we can improve
Images: Black background, white person icon is centred. Woman holding hand of child icon appears in blue and is connected by a blue dotted line to the centre icon. Centre icon fills its bottom third blue; wheelchair user icon appears in red connected by a red dotted line to the centre icon. Centre icon fills it’s middle third red; cane user in yellow is connected by a yellow dotted line to the centre icon which fills its top third yellow. All returns to just black background
Audio: their attitudes, behaviour and communication methods towards passengers with disability
Images: Black background, divided in thirds vertically, each third appearing with a black icon as the word is said: ‘attitudes’ (yellow third, icon of head on its side with cogs within); ‘behaviour’ (red third, hand touching a button icon) and ‘behaviour’ (blue third, two speech bubbles icon). Passengers from previous slides (woman and child icon, wheelchair user icon, cane icon) appear (white) at bus stop (white) and then fade out leaving black background white bus stop.
Audio: Ultimately creating better transport inclusivity for all passengers.
Images: Black background, white bus stop, the words appear as said ‘Better Transport’ (yellow) ‘Inclusivity for’ (red), ‘all Passengers’ (blue) with ‘all’ italicised and underlined.
Audio: None
Images: White bus icon centred on black background, with yellow, red and blue stripes approximately the same length to the left of it, underneath which is written (white) ‘Better Trip’.
Final (static) slide:
Black, grey and blue background, repeat of the Visualise your Thesis and University of Melbourne logos. Written in white are the following;
References (heading, followed by text); Das Neves, B., Unworth, C., & Browning, C. (2022). ‘Being treated like an actual person’: attitudinal accessibility on the bus. Mobilities, doi: 10.1080/17450101.2022.2126794;
Media Citations (heading, followed by text); All icons used are from Microsoft Powerpoint, Video was edited in Canva and Abraia Acknowledgements (heading, followed by text);
The creator pays their respects to the Traditional Owners of the Lands on which this video was created; Walyalup, the Whadjuk People of Noongar Moort.
Language Note (heading, followed by text); ‘Person first’ language (i.e. ‘Person with disability’) is the preference of our co-designers so was used here. The creator acknowledges and affirms alternative preferences.